VCSE Hustings with NEMCA Mayoral Candidates

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Join VONNE and Connected Voice for a VCSE Hustings event with NEMCA Mayoral candidates to talk about the needs of the VCSE sector, and the sectors inclusion in key policy of the NEMCA manifesto.

Ahead of the North East Mayoral Combined Authority elections in May 2024, we're excited to invite you to a Hustings event with mayoral candidates:

  • Kim McGuiness - Labour Party
  • Jamie Driscoll - Independent Party
  • Andrew Gray - Green Party
  • Guy Renner-Thompson - Conservative
  • Aidan King - Liberal Democrats
  • Paul Donaghy - UK Reform

This is a unique opportunity to hear the mayoral candidates set their stall with specific reference to the VCSE sector. VONNE and the seven Local Infrastructure Organisations within the NEMCA area have collaborated and will present an ask to the candidates to ensure the North East VCSE sector is supported, consulted and invited to engage in meaningful conversations within NEMCA Strategic and Policy work. Candidates will also have the opportunity to respond to our recently launched VCSE Inclusive Economy Manifesto, which outlines a number of priority areas to build an inclusive economy for our region. 

For more information on our ask to the Mayoral candidates, read our briefing paper here

The afternoon will be chaired by Sir Paul Ennals CBE, President of VONNE.

Candidates will also participate in a Q&A. We're asking attendees to submit questions to the mayoral candidates prior to the event. You can include your question when you register for the event using the link below, or you can email a question to Please note candidates will not be taking questions from the floor during the event.  

April 18th, 2024 from  4:00 PM to  6:00 PM
The Common Room
Neville Hall
The Common Room of The Great North Ltd
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1SE
United Kingdom
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