North East and Cumbria Funders' Network - April 2024

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The North East and Cumbria Funders' Network meetings bring together funders, social investors, local infrastructure organisations and local authorities to share new information on the challenges and opportunities facing the sector, and to discuss greater collaboration and joint working.

This Funders Network event will be taking place in person at The Common Room, Neville Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1SE.

We will be joined by guest speakers Zoe Billingham, Director, IPPR North, to present their newly launched IPPR North’s State of the North 2024 report  looking ahead to the next ten years of regional rebalancing - across health, wealth, power and opportunity – and assess our current trajectory and how regional devolution could shape the next decade; and Dr. Henry Kippin, interim-CEO, North East Combined Authority (NECA), who will move on to present initial plans, priorities and structures for NECA and explore opportunities for involvement and collaboration with funders.

There will be an opportunity for attendees to give organisational updates and network. 


VCSE Hustings with North East Combined Authority Candidates

We will also be facilitating a NECA Hustings event for the VCSE sector at 4pm at the Common Room, following the Funders Network meeting.

The majority of the mayoral candidates will be speaking at this event and it is an opportunity to ensure that the VCSE sector is on their agenda. If you would like to attend this event, please contact Georgia Goncalves who will forward on the registration link in due course.

April 18th, 2024 from  1:00 PM to  3:30 PM
The Common Room
Neville Hall
The Common Room of The Great North Ltd
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1SE
United Kingdom