Thriving Communities Network, North East and Yorkshire region banner. Featuring the National Academy for Social Prescribing logo, with three circles in green, blue and pink, in the top right corner and a white version of the Voluntary Organisations’ Network North East logo in the top left corner. The background is a very pale pink and it also features a bigger version of NASPs three circles. There is also a navy circle on the left side underneath the Voluntary Organisations’ Network North East logo.
Social prescribing news for the North East, North Cumbria and Yorkshire
Latest social prescribing news and what's coming up...
What's coming up
Social Prescribing Information Session
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Social Prescribing & Me campaign
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Social Prescribing done differently in Selby
Social prescribing news
A whole community approach to social prescribing: Building a successful social prescribing system 
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New case study from NHS England
Read the case study
Green Social Prescribing in Yorkshire
Older peoples' pilot sites announced
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New NASP Podcast on Prescription episode
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Link Worker Day
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Art By Post: Poems for Our Planet now available in different languages
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Newcastle and Gateshead Funding Fair
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Research and consultations
Research opportunity from UCL
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More events
NHS Webinar: Working upstream to improve access to general practice through social prescribing and placed-based working
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