Have your say on the future of the NHS

Author: Sara Toal

In our previous blog, we introduced the NHS Change consultation, which seeks to shape the next 10-year plan for our healthcare system and noted that Integrated Care Systems (ICS) are organising events to gather feedback at both local and regional levels.

Building on this, we’re excited to announce that the VCSE Partnership Programme will be hosting an online 'NHS Change' engagement event on Monday, February 5th, from 10am to 12pm on behalf of the Integrated Care Board (ICB). This is a key opportunity for VCSE sector organisations across the North East and North Cumbria to come together and feed your insights and ideas into the ‘biggest ever conversation about the future of the NHS’.

Why is the VCSE voice needed?

The VCSE sector plays an essential role in shaping and delivering health and care services. Your voice is vital because:

  • Insights from lived experience: Local VCSE organisations work directly with people who often face significant barriers to health and wellbeing. Their understanding of issues like housing, employment, isolation, and access to healthy food provides invaluable context for shaping effective, equitable healthcare strategies.
  • Driving prevention and inclusion: The NHS aims to move care from hospitals to communities, shift the focus from treatment to prevention, and achieve inclusive digital transformation. The VCSE sector is critical to achieving these goals by utilising innovative approaches to tackle health inequalities and promote wellbeing.
  • Bridging the digital divide: Inclusive digital transformation is a priority for the NHS, and the VCSE sector’s role in designing solutions informed by lived experience - while ensuring that non-digital options are available -helps ensure no one is left behind.
  • Championing underrepresented voices: The sector’s work in advocating for marginalised groups ensures that diverse perspectives are included in healthcare planning, addressing inequalities and fostering fairness.

By participating in this engagement event, you will help ensure the NHS’s 10-year plan is shaped by real-world experience and reflects the diversity of our communities.

What to expect

The two-hour session will include:

  • An overview of the NHS Change consultation 
  • Breakout discussions focused on the three shifts - moving care from hospitals to communities, shifting focus from treatment to prevention, and achieving inclusive digital transformation.
  • Opportunities to ask questions and provide direct feedback on these priorities.

This is a critical moment to ensure the VCSE sector’s perspective is included in shaping healthcare delivery for the next decade. By attending, you will help strengthen the link between the sector and the Integrated Care System, ensuring our collective efforts lead to better outcomes for the communities we support.

Register now