Funders Spotlight - Power to Change

Author: Jen
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Funders spotlight: Power to Change

In our regular feature in the Funding Information North East (FINE) ebulletin we ask funders to tell us about their grant giving over the next few months. Subscribe to our FINE Online ebulletin by getting in touch with

Thanks to Fergus Arkley, Programmes Manager at Power to Change for responses.

Power to Change

What are your current funding priorities?

Power to Change wants to support and develop new and existing community businesses across England, to support local development and improve their local area. We currently have a £3.62m Pubs Loan Fund for people to save their local and start a community business pub, and a £10million Community Business Fund open for existing community businesses to apply for grants between £50,000 and £300,000.

Are there any applications that you are struggling to bring in that you would encourage?

Through our funding programmes, we seek to support community businesses. These are locally rooted in a specific place, community-owned and led, bring clear benefits to local people and of course trading.

Are there any key pieces of advice you would give groups to help them submit quality applications and increase their chances of being successful?

Reading our guidance and criteria for each fund is the best way to submit a good quality application. And if you’re not ready, wait. We’re around for seven years so will be distributing funds regularly through different programmes, and also some focusing on certain places and sectors.

When is the next deadline and how do groups go about applying?

Our Pubs Loan Fund is open for a couple of years but worth getting in touch to start the process. We’ve also just opened our Community Business Fund. The first application window is open till 1st June, and we’ll have two more in July and October.