This month is Pride Month 2024. Internationally recognised as a chance to celebrate and support LGBTQ+ communities across the globe, to promote inclusivity and to provide a platform for raising awareness of, and advocating for, LGBTQ+ issues. In the UK, towns and cities hold Pride parades, marches and events throughout the month, urging everyone to support their local event.
To help VCSE organisations to become LGBTQ+ allies, this blog gives you some information about Pride and resources your organisation can use to raise awareness, support LGBTQ+ employees and be an LGBTQ+ ally.
Why is Pride in June?
The significance of taking place in June each year, is to commemorate the anniversary of The Stonewall Riots, a seminal moment in LGBTQ+ history when on 28th June 1969, police raided The Stonewall Inn in New York, throwing people out on the streets and igniting a week of protests and rioting by people from the gay community who had had enough of being harassed by the authorities. News of the incident travelled fast, and others around the world were inspired to join protest groups and demand equality. Although Stonewall was not the beginning of the fight for LGBTQ+ equal rights, it became a catalyst for the movement, certainly in the US.
When did Pride begin?
In 1972, the first Pride festival took place in London in July with around 2,000 people taking part. Fast forward to 2024, and London Pride is expecting 32,000 participants in the annual parade, with over 1.5 million spectators. The charity Stonewall said “The benefits of LGBTQ+ visibility go beyond recordkeeping. As more people have had the opportunity to learn about our lives, attitudes have changed, allowing us all to write new, more colourful chapters in our country's story.”
But there is still more work to be done in terms of visibility and acceptance. While the UK is one of the most welcoming places in the world, a recent Metro article reports that it has seen a 462% increase in sexual orientation hate crime reports since 2012. It is clear that education in both schools and the workplace needs to play a part in reversing these worrying statistics.
What can you do?
So this month, whether you identify as LGBTQ+ or as an LGBTQ+ ally, or just simply as a human being who believes we should all have the right to be ourselves, why not support one of your local Pride events this year?
You can find information on local North East Pride events, by visiting Out North East.
For more information on Pride Month including mental health resources, workplace inclusivity, articles and toolkits, take a look at our Pride Month LGBTQ+ Resources below.
BBC Three ‘Things not to say’ series – LGBTQI+ issues
A series of short online videos where people from the LGBTQIA+ community talk discuss what’s not okay to say when speaking to, our about others.
Mental Health at Work – LGBTQIA+ inclusivity in your organisation
Anyone can experience a mental health problem. But people who identify as LGBTQI+ are more likely to experience problems such as depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings, and other signs of poor mental wellbeing.
Fortunately, employers and workplaces are in a position to make a real difference to this.
Mind – Supporting someone who is LGBTQIA+
This web page from Mind explores what you can do to help if an LGBTQI+ person tells you they are experiencing poor mental health. It is ideal to share with your colleagues so everyone is prepared to help if they need to.
LGBTQIA+ Mental Health support from Mind
A range of resources on the Mind website explaining some experiences that may affect the mental health of LGBTQIA+ people.
What is Pride Month?
This news article from CBBC Newsround gives clear to understand information, designed for young people, explaining what Pride month is all about and how it’s celebrated.
Stonewall – Inclusive Workplaces
Support for organisations and employees in building an inclusive workplace. Stonewall offer training and development, toolkits and resources and a Diversity Champions programme.
Inclusive Employers – Pride Month: Exploring global LGBTQ+ experiences
Inclusive Employers work with hundreds of organisations to audit, train and embed workplace inclusion. They are hosting an enlightening panel discussion as part of Pride Month on the 13th June, hearing from diverse voices from the LGBTQ+ community and leaders. Register to attend here.
Consortium – for stronger LGBTQ+ communities
Consortium is the largest network of LGBTQ+ groups and organisations in the UK. Join their networks, support their work or sign up to a monthly newsletter to stay up to date with news and events.
LGBT+ News
RHSE Consultation
On Thursday, May 16th, the government announced that sex education for children under the age of 9 and education about transgender issues for all pupils will be prohibited in accordance with revised legal guidance.
Statutory guidance on relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) is currently under review.
You can respond to the consultation until Thursday 11th July 2024.
NHS Constitution Consultation
A consultation on the NHS Constitution is currently taking place, as part of a 10-year review process.
Many stories shared around the consultation include concerning elements, particularly in relation to single-sex wards and care for trans, non-binary, and intersex people.
For guidance on how to respond to the consultation, you can check out TransActual’s ‘Responding to the NHS Constitution Consultation’ here.
You can respond to the consultation until Tuesday 25th June 2024.
Andro & Eve - Gender Beyond The Binary: Online Training
Friday 12th July, 10am - 12:30pm
Taking place during Non-Binary Awareness week, this online interactive training is designed to help you better meet the needs of clients and audiences of all genders, particularly those who are gender expansive or non binary.
This Gender Beyond the Binary session looks at the experiences of people who are non-binary and gender expansive within the UK and in a global context.
Topics covered include language and terminology, intersectionality, non-binary identities, the links between binary gender and colonial legacies, non-binary equality and the law.
Each participant will take away their own resource pack with references and further reading. Please note places are limited, and priced on a sliding scale.
Full access information and tickets available via Eventbrite.
Out and Proud Parents Day
July 30th is Out and Proud Parents Day where we invite Proud Parents of LGBTQI+ children to come out and be role models within their community using the hashtag #OutAndProudParentsDay
We understand the importance of parental role models within communities helping other parents accept their LGBTQI+ children.
We are inviting all proud parents of LGBTQI+ individuals to take part on 30th July – to help inspire other parents to open their arms and accept their child.
Imaan LGBTQI Presents Muslim Pride 2024
Muslim Pride 2024 is the first of its kind event in the UK—a full day celebration of queer Muslim culture, activism, and history. Join us at Queen Mary, University of London on 22nd June 2024.
Saturday 22nd June - 9:30am - 8pm
Queen Mary University of London, E1 4NS
Our day will begin with a panel discussion featuring scholars and activists who have contributed to the queer Muslim community, we'll have workshops featuring topics from Islamic feminism to the joys and challenges of being out as a Muslim, and we'll end with entertainment and performances from members of our community. Lunch is included.
Buy tickets here