New roles are listed daily on our website and shared with job-seekers through our weekly ebulletin and dedicated X account @VONNEJobs.
List your role
It’s easy to list your role with us – just sign up for a user account and create your listing. Your role will be live as soon as you save it. If you need any help, there is a handy guide to listing your role on our website.
You don’t need to be a member to advertise, but Membership+ members get a discounted rate, so it’s often cheapest to join before you create your advert.
Listings cost £140+VAT for non-members and £60+VAT for Membership+ supporters. You can pay by card on our website, or if you need an invoice, call 0191 233 2000 or email There’s a £10 fee to cover administration costs for invoices.
If you're a registered charity, you can apply for VAT exemption with us to save even more money on adverts.
Our FAQs page can help answer the most common Job Finder queries, but if you need any further support please email
Why advertise with us?
Your role is shared:
on our Job Finder web page - average 27,000 visitors a month,
in our weekly ebulletin – over 3,400 subscribers,
through our @VONNEJobs X account - more than 2,800 followers.
- Your role is live for up to 90 days.
- Readvertisements are free if you don’t recruit and the new deadline is within 90 days of the original listing.
- You can add your logo to help your advert stand out.
Our values
Our sector is a great place to work and we’re keen to attract the best candidates.
To encourage good practice, we’re signed up to Show The Salary a pledge to end salary secrecy, and Open To All a campaign to encourage employers to only ask for a degree where one is needed.
VONNE has been a long-time advocate of the Living Wage movement - a minimum hourly rate of pay set independently and updated annually, based on the cost living in the UK - and we achieved our Employer Accreditation in 2016.
We’re also working to show candidates why our sector could be right for them. Through this we hope to reach new audiences and help you find the right person for your role.
Need help recruiting?
Our Recruitment Support service can help you through the recruitment process and support you to find the right candidate. Services are tailored to your needs, but if you don't have HR specialists in-house, we can help with any aspect of your recruitment.
We also offer a Trustee Finder service. Find out how they helped one member organisation find the right team member .
Terms and conditions:
- Job adverts must show a salary and the salary must meet or exceed the government National Minimum Wage.
- One role per advert - multiple roles require multiple listings.
- Advert content is the responsibility of the job advertiser. We'll check to see it meets our values and National Minimum Wage requirements, but we don't check content, deadlines or links. Job advertisers can log into their advert at any time to make changes or updates.
- Adverts will be included in every edition of our weekly VONNE Jobs ebulletin until two days before the application deadline.
- We reserve the right to edit the information provided.
- We reserve the right not to advertise for organisations that don't share our values, or if we feel the role is not relevant or appropriate for our audience.
- To re-advertise a role if you don’t recruit, email . If the new deadline is within 90 days of your original advert we’ll re-list for free.
How we use information from your job listing
VONNE uses the information you share to advertise your vacancies across our communications channels according to our contractual obligation. The information, including who placed the advert, is stored on our system and, if you are a VONNE member, on your membership record. These records are covered by VONNE’s Privacy Policy.
When paying by credit card, your processing details will be stored on Stripe in accordance with its terms and conditions .
We may occasionally send you emails to pursue our legitimate organisational interests with the aim of improving our service. We won’t share your personal information with third parties, transfer it internationally, or use it for automatic profiling. You have the right to know what information we hold about you and you can ask to see it, amend it or have it deleted by emailing us at