Why do we need research partnerships?
Research plays a key role in developing better care, services and treatments for our health and wellbeing, and is recognised as an important part of how our North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System (NENC ICS) identifies and addresses the significant health inequalities and challenges in our region.
Involving communities in research can help identify the most important research topics and the best ways of researching them. Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations play an important role in involving communities in research through their relationships, knowledge and skills in engaging with diverse communities across our region.
We are able to deliver this support through funding from NIHR organisations in the North East & North Cumbria who recognise the value of growing greater connectivity and collaboration with VCSE organisations for health and care research.

VCSE Research Partnerships support at VONNE aims to provide a single point of contact for researchers and VCSE organisations who are interested in collaborating on health and care-focussed research.
Drawing on insights from partners and people in the VCSE and research sectors, our Research Partnerships work focuses on:
- Supporting partners to connect and develop ways of working together based on reciprocity and sustainability.
- Building capacity for partnerships by developing shared expectations and enhancing skills and knowledge.
Oversight and strategic direction for this work is provided by a steering group with representation from funding NIHR organisations funding the role, VONNE and Cumbria CVS. A working group including representatives from the Creating Connections Network meet bi-monthly to provide guidance on the delivery of programme activities.
What support can VONNE offer you?
If you are a VCSE organisation interested in growing your involvement or knowledge about health and wellbeing research, we can support you to:
- Hear about research opportunities and findings via our Health & Wellbeing network
- Provide advice on how your organisation can get involved in research, including how you can pursue research ideas from your organisation and/or the communities you support
- Connect with research partners
- Establish a partnership with a research partner – this may include facilitating conversations about shared goals, expectations and ways of working together. A helpful starting point for these conversations is the NIHR Community Engagement Toolkit.
If you are a researcher looking to grow your connections with VCSE organisations and their beneficiaries for health and wellbeing research, we can support you to:
- Share research opportunities and findings through VONNE’s networks and channels
- Provide advice on engaging with VCSE partners
- Connect with VCSE partners
- Establish a partnership with a VCSE partner - this may include facilitating conversations about shared goals, expectations and ways of working together, using the principles outlined in the NIHR Community Engagement Toolkit.
Building connections and boosting collaboration
VONNE supports VCSE organisations and researchers with shared interests in a wide range of health and wellbeing topics to connect and work together.
“We are fortunate to have lots of health and care research happening in our region, and a rich and diverse VCSE sector who are incredibly well connected to lots of different communities. It’s a privilege to provide support to help VCSE organisations, communities and researchers to work together to ensure that research is shaped by current and real concerns relating to health and care so that it can deliver the most helpful new knowledge for us all.”
Sharing best practice
The NIHR Community Engagement Toolkit is available to support researchers in planning for and working with community organisations. Developed by the NIHR with VCSE organisations, the toolkit provides ten principles to guide researchers in planning for and working with community organisations for health and care research. It also provides a great resource for VCSE organisations to inform their conversations with researchers.
Developing more resources to support collaboration
Since May 2024, VONNE has been leading a project, funded by an NIHR Centre for Engagement & Dissemination grant, to co-produce practical tools that will help VCSE and research partners put the Community Engagement Toolkit principles into practice. Through this project VCSE organisations and researchers are working together to build practical resources that help partners have early discussions and work successfully together in mutually beneficial partnerships. One early development is a collection of free resources to support public and community involvement hosted on the Creating Connections Network webpage. These resources are designed for organisations, researchers, communities and individuals interested in health and social care research.
If this project interests you, whether as a researcher or through your work in a VCSE organisation, there’s opportunities to get involved throughout the year. Get in touch with us.
Creating Connections Network
A regional network for the North East and North Cumbria to support Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in health and care research.
Cumbria CVS
Cumbria Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) works in partnership with VONNE to provide oversight and strategic direction for the role.
Interested in VCSE sector integration into the NENC ICS? You can learn more through the Partnership Programme, hosted by VONNE.